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De: Albert Rosales <>
Título: New updated Humanoid encounters throughout the ages CD or electronic download updated !
Fecha: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:11:32 -0700 (PDT)
Para: Billy Booth <>, Ignacio Darnaude <>, Kiyoshi Amamiya <>, Moreno Tambellini <>, Freddy & Monique <>, CARL FEINDT <>, Donald Johnson <>, Fabrizio Rondina <>, Jaime Maussan <>, Ted Pizzagalli <>, Mark Easter <>, Lon Strickler <>, Capri Calandra <>, Liv Jonsson <>
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Now available new Humanoid encounters through history CD or electronic download available for the new price of 60$. Includes all recent updates, over 17,000 cases many known but thousands never seen before translated to English from more than 30 languages, including Hebrew, Hungary, Romania, Brazil, etc. Cases begin from 2500 B.C all the way up to 2009. Included will be the Journal of Humanoid Studies which cover cases from 2010-2011. THis is years of research and study, and it will someday be a necessary tool for all researchers into UFOs and related phenomena.

Please contact me for arrangements.


Albert S Rosales

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